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March - December 2012

R&D Internship in YouNet Corporation

Attention attraction in marketing campaign is necessary to boost shopping appetite. This project detects real events and hot topics in social media in particular periods of time that users pay attention think of. 

My tasks: 

  • Propose tf-idf methods to detect “hot” topics using social network interation evaluation, resulting in obtaining trends within nearly 7 weeks which are “widely”concerned by 52/60 users (just over 86.67%) and removal of meaningless topics:

    • Improve tf score using the interest level on the topic of users who communicate with the comment​-owner, resulting in removing over 90% meaningless comments posted by famous users.

    • Propose a method that ensures topics are "locally" or widely discussed using adding weights to tf scores.

  • Improve the detected trends using correlation coefficient, resulting in grouping 7/9 (nearly 80%) terms involving two outstanding trends within nearly 7 weeks.

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